Feminism is always a big topic in our lives. How you always hear women complaining about it as well. There are also women out there who push for a more positive feminist society, like Hillary Clinton. But there are other women who ridicule themselves to try and seem more independent. Cough Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan Cough Cough. My class mate Erick brought up a good point “if she’s aiming at the feminism of controlling a man, then she’s doing well. Which is a great point, but They do the exact opposite, checking in and out of rehab, awesome; Leeching off your family’s fortune to make yourself famous, that’s hot, yet still having enough energy in your life to go out party all night and then get pulled over for DUI the next morning, going to jail and then crying and complaining your way out of it, GENIUS, right? WRONG! Paris Hilton should be snuffed out like a old soggy cigarette, because that is what she is worth to me, nothing. She gives children a dream to pass your way through high school and then marry some fat rich guy that’ll buy you what ever you want. It’s horrible; she is pulling off every stunt in the book because she’s acting like the little girl who wants the spotlight on herself all the time. Like one of my friends, who happens to be a girl is having a sweet sixteen. It’s a great thing, the girls turning 16 all her friends are there, but it has to be perfect. So she tells everyone that they have to wear black and white. We ask “why?” and she responds “because I said so.” So now everyone who doesn’t have a black or white item has to go out and buy one because she says so. Then what do you know, she gets a red dress. So its completely obvious what she’s trying to do, put the spot light on herself, and it gets annoying. I just want to tell her “hey be happy, you actually get a 20,000 dollar party, where I got clothes and an ipod, you don’t have to push it to that next level you’re already beyond it.” So girls do yourselves a favor, do not look up to these type of women. Look up to women who inspire not sell themselves out. Oprah is a great woman, so is Condelisa Rice, Beyonce, Rachel Ray and more women today. So do the right thing, boycott Paris
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