"Mountain States Telephone Plans $18.5 Million Outlay." Wall Street Journal 7 Jan. 1946: 1. Proquest Historical Newspapers. Pascack Hills High School Library, Montvale. 29 Apr. 2008. Keyword: Montana.
The article is about President Ogden approving a construction project worth 18.5 million dollars for the mountain state company to provide teleraph and telephone services for Colorado, Arizona, Idaho, New Mexico, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and El Paso, Texas.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Girl Power at OCFS

You've all heard of Danica Patrick, Michelle Wi and Annika Sorenston. They're all females who compete or have attempted at competing in all male sports.Danica Patrick is the best example by far. Not only does she race but she is competive. She can race with the big boys, so to speak. Well on my trip to Orange County Fair Speedway for the open practice I noticed in the pits a female driver climbing out of the number 81 sportsman car. I thought "damn good for her," but I also thought that it maybe hard on her. The guys at OCFS are very competetive and really don't like it if you're slowing them down. Alot of the racers are competetive and if you want respect you better be up in the pack competeing. She may also have to find out a few unspoken rules in racing. For example if you know the car behind you is faster than you are, you give them a lane to pass you. A courtesy if you will. Like when you're driving on the highway in the fast lane and you notice a guy behind you is going faster than you are, you merge over to allow him to pass. Very basic common sense, but people can be so oblivious at times its astonishing. She seemed to race OK nothing special. As far as the practice goes, my uncle did very well. He said "The car felt free, and racey (meaning fast)." He also said that it was a litte loose in the middle, but that over all the car was very good. Last season was a different story, the car was either really loose, or really tight. We were making to many drastic changes to the car, and we got off the pace. Where now this year we have gone back to what we once had run. Winless last season a win this year would be extremely rewarding. All and all practice was fun, I took some great shots of all the divisions. I will have the photos featured on the blog. Read next sunday for the opener at ocfs report.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Feminism, it puts the O.M.G in the “omg what did paris do now”

Feminism is always a big topic in our lives. How you always hear women complaining about it as well. There are also women out there who push for a more positive feminist society, like Hillary Clinton. But there are other women who ridicule themselves to try and seem more independent. Cough Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan Cough Cough. My class mate Erick brought up a good point “if she’s aiming at the feminism of controlling a man, then she’s doing well. Which is a great point, but They do the exact opposite, checking in and out of rehab, awesome; Leeching off your family’s fortune to make yourself famous, that’s hot, yet still having enough energy in your life to go out party all night and then get pulled over for DUI the next morning, going to jail and then crying and complaining your way out of it, GENIUS, right? WRONG! Paris Hilton should be snuffed out like a old soggy cigarette, because that is what she is worth to me, nothing. She gives children a dream to pass your way through high school and then marry some fat rich guy that’ll buy you what ever you want. It’s horrible; she is pulling off every stunt in the book because she’s acting like the little girl who wants the spotlight on herself all the time. Like one of my friends, who happens to be a girl is having a sweet sixteen. It’s a great thing, the girls turning 16 all her friends are there, but it has to be perfect. So she tells everyone that they have to wear black and white. We ask “why?” and she responds “because I said so.” So now everyone who doesn’t have a black or white item has to go out and buy one because she says so. Then what do you know, she gets a red dress. So its completely obvious what she’s trying to do, put the spot light on herself, and it gets annoying. I just want to tell her “hey be happy, you actually get a 20,000 dollar party, where I got clothes and an ipod, you don’t have to push it to that next level you’re already beyond it.” So girls do yourselves a favor, do not look up to these type of women. Look up to women who inspire not sell themselves out. Oprah is a great woman, so is Condelisa Rice, Beyonce, Rachel Ray and more women today. So do the right thing, boycott Paris
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Small town in Iowa turns into NYC over night

In life people are born, raised, and they grow up to become respectable members of society, but sometimes that's not the case. You always hear these stories of the one kid whose life was great, but he or she screwed it up because they were stupid. Every high school has that type of kid, and because I don't want to mention any that go to my school I have provided an example with an article from the NY times. The title of the article is "Good People Go Bad in Iowa, And a Drug Is Being Blamed." That right there just about sums it up for you. A small town (name unkown) went from a quiet little town, to proportional to the amount of drugs in NYC. Crimes were being served at a bakers dozen. Who did they blame? It wasn't anyone, but a drug called methamphetamine, also known as "meth" was bringing the town to rubble. Men with clean records their whole lives had been stealing. Why did these people revert to drugs and act in extreme ways as they did? To be honest it must be depressing in Iowa with all that farm land, and only 100 people per 100 square miles. I do apologize if I have insulted anyone, but I really cannot come up with a valid reason as to why they would start taking drugs. The article said it was popular in California, and it may have worked it's way up north and is now spreading sounds like b.s. Why would farmers from Iowa want to be like people from California? Not that California is a bad place, but that the lifestyle in Iowa seems completely different than California. If you do have any ideas please comment this post. Although people do change from good to bad in our lives it also takes place in books. For example in Macbeth, the main character goes from being King Duncan's most loyal soldier, to being his murderer. Macbeth did this because of what the witches told him and what his wife pushed him into doing. As soon as he killed him he regreted it, but the reason why he did it was because deep down inside he did want to be king, just peer preasure got to him. Although he is king now the last half of the story will be down hill. He will feel guilt, dispair and depression. Eventually, because of the mood the play has been giving off, he will kill himself. Who wouldn't with a "man-lady" wife like his. It just really sucks because he's married to a screwed up man with a woman's body. I would kill myself if I had her as my wife, or just get divorced. Macbeth basically made a bad choice by listening to his crazed wife, and he will listen to her through the rest of the story. She will lead him down a dark path and he will have no where to get out execpt for suicide. Therefore his idea to kill the king was a bad one.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
McCumbee driving in "the everything's bigger" state

Pictured to the right is kyle petty, the current driver of the #45 car. Above is the driver who will be taking over for him this weekend, Chad McCumbee
Kyle Petty, the regular Petty Enterprises driver of the number 45 car will be sitting the race out at Texas Motor Speedway to give Chad McCumbee an opertunity to drive in the sprint cup series. Already having some track time in the Craftsman Series McCumbee is still pursuing to become a cup driver. Besides driving for Petty in the Craftsman series McCumbee has also been in the movies. Featured in 3: the Dale Ernhart story, he played Dale jr. a terrific Cup racer with hendrick motorsports. Eventhough this is a great chance for McCumbee to prove himself, but it is also upsetting. Kyle Petty a good racer, back in the day, seems to be on a path to retiring. He even has said that if his son was still alive today, that he would've stepped down for him. If you are unaware of what I'm talking about, about 8 years ago Adam Petty was practicing at New Hampshire speedway when he crashed into the wall in turn 3. In that crash he would loose his life, crushing his father and family. I think this is the reason why Kyle is still racing, it's something that reminds him of his son everyday, and almost keeps his son in his life. What's even more disapointing is that his racing career may end soon. My prediction is that if not next season, the season after that, Kyle Petty will retire, possibly having McCumbee as his replacement. It is a sorrow sight seeing 4 generations of racing come to an end. I just want to say good luck to Kyle this season, and rest in peace to Adam. I also want to say good luck to Chad McCumbee at Texas Motor Speedway this weekend. See ya until Thursday when the Nationwide Series will qualify at Texas.
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Who Kehrs

Scott Kehr (pronounced like care) in his signature 442 pro stock car. He is my second favorite driver after tom meier.