Thursday, March 27, 2008

Movie intro's: how its related to Shakespeare

In most movies now a days the plots are extremely predictable. within the first 30min. of the movie you're able to know the general idea of what's going to happen. For instance a movie that just came out recently, Dan in Real Life. The plot starts out with a single father of three daughters named named Dan (played by Steve Carell.) His wife had passed away a couple years earlier. Their plan is to go up to his parents house for a family reunion for the weekend. During his stay he meets a woman in a book store named Marie (played by Juliette Binoche.) They talk for a long period of time, and she gives him her number. Later in the movie you find out that the woman he meets is his brothers girl friend. After that point you can guess what happens. Dan falls in love with her, makes his brother upset, and Dan and Marie live hapily ever after. The End. I wasted 16 bucks on that peice of junk. The first time too see how it was, and the second because we couldn't get into any other movie. Bad the first time, horrible the second. I highly recomend you to not see this movie. It may look funny because Steve Carell is in it but it is not. There's about two funny one liners in the film, and that is it. Although many movies follow this format, not all do. For example, a movie I saw about a year and a half ago, The Departed. This great movie with Matt Damon, Lenardo DeCaprio and Jack Nicolson, has more lying, back stabbing, action and twists than any other "inside the box" movie you have seen. Two men graduating from the same Massachusetts Police Acedmey are on opposite sides. At first you think Matt Damon is the "good guy" and Leonardo is the "bad guy." As it turns out Mat Damons character is purpitrating the Massachusetts Police force, and Leonardo is purpitrating the Irish mofia. If you like action pact movies with drugs, sex, and violence, watch this movie. My prediction on Macbeth is that we really aren't expecting what's coming. It will be, more bloody, gruesome and twisted than we think.


Hendrix is a Guitar God said...

I think you have some very interesting ideas and I do agree that The Departed is quite a good movie not only was it critically acclaimed but it won the oscar for best director and I believe for best film that year. However, I think Dan In Real Life was not supposed to be a funny movie it was more supposed to be a romantic comedy showing the main character's fall to depression after dealing with his wife's death then his struggle in coping with it with his three girls. I'm sure if I saw it a second time though i would find the movie increasing due to the fact it was targeted more towards women and the 'feel good film' crowd.

Brian said...

This is a great blog. Though I've never seen either of the movies, I can tell they have very revealing beginnings. I do, however, have to disagree with you're opinion one macbeth. Much Is revealed within the pages we've read so far. The Witches reveal most of the plot within one scene. Though I do believe there will be Many surprises along the way, I sill have a pretty good idea of what will happen.

Who Kehrs

Who Kehrs
Scott Kehr (pronounced like care) in his signature 442 pro stock car. He is my second favorite driver after tom meier.